Thursday, April 06, 2006


Figured I keep the blog flowing by adding another photo from the rally yesterday. Unfortunately yesterday I didn't have my telephoto handy so all I had was my medium to wide angle. Though I'm certainly not dissatisfied with the results a telephoto would have been nice, especially since it was nice enough of a day to get fast shutter speeds. Here, however, is the joy of wideangle shooting, context.

-Jason Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Emily said...

Jason... So I'm randomly blog surfing because that's what you do at 9:17 at night, right? (OK, I'm being lazy for a few minutes.) I'm flipping through not really paying attention and see your top pic. I think, "Hey... that looks like UW. It IS." So I scroll down... and see more pictures. Then your name... LOL - So yeah... I totally didn't pay attention to WHOSE blogs i found. ;) So, out of the million or so blogs I could have happened upon, I found yours. Hello! :)