Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Marx and demonstrations

Well the section in my Concept of Power class concerning Marx is almost over, almost sadly. I've never been much for political theory, I enjoy the actual practice and study of events. Today's lecture as we were discussing Marx and his reaction to the third French Revolution had a demonstration making up the background noise. I found it quite fitting for a talk about revolution that people were just outside the window exercising thier freedom of assembly. After class however, I choose to not participate in the rally but rather take some photos. These are my first attempt at journalistic style photos. Hopefully everyone enjoy them. By the way if you couldn't figure it out from the signs (I know some are hard to read), the rally is concerning the Immigration Bill that is currently being debated in Congress in the United States. I shall keep my political views silent, as it is not my job to participate as a photographer.

-Jason Posted by Picasa

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