Monday, November 14, 2005


Panasonic DMC FZ-5
Focal Length: 12mm
Aperture Value: f/3.2
Shutter Speed: 1/50 sec.
ISO - 100

It's interesting what you take pictures of when you have your camera with you just about everywhere you go. I carry it to school, to work, and when I drive. In Seattle it comes in quite handy while you are driving as you as often not driving but rather sitting in traffic. The above picture is one of those "sitting in traffic" pictures. People probably think that I'm crazy sticking my camera out the window taking a pictures of essentially nothing but if that makes me crazy, then crazy be I.
Let see here on the webpage front not much is new. I'm working on some visual enhancements for the webpage but other then that it hasn't changed. I basically took this weekend off from just about everything. So loyal fans, I think there may be one or two of you, I'm sorry. With that said I will continue to post here and update my webpage as I am able. In the meantime if you haven't yet visit the new and improved RaptImagery at Thanks!

-Jason Posted by Picasa

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