Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Photography While Driving

Panasonic DMC FZ-5
Focal Length: 6mm
Aperture Value: f/4
Shutter Speed: 1/125 sec
ISO - 80

Ok so I know that I really shouldn't take pictures when I'm driving but unfortunately I was running late for work and couldn't stop to take the pictures I wanted. The sun was reflecting off the Olympics this morning and I just couldn't let the photo opprutunity pass by. This images was taken this morning at about 7:30 going about 50mph on the Alaskan Way Viaduct in Seattle. Don't worry I don't take pictures while actually driving very often, and believe it or not I am paying attention to my driving as well.

So it's business as usual for me here. I did a minor update on the webpage and if you put your mouse over my images it will give you the properties of the image (the data that I provide right below the images on this blog). Hopefully everyone enjoys the changes and can get an idea of the settings I put my camera on to get some of these shots. Maybe it will be helpful for someone, if not it's at least fun to look at the pictures change back and forth. That's it for now, more tomorrow I'm sure.-Jason Posted by Picasa

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