Wednesday, November 23, 2005

"It Only Happens Once A Year"

Panasonic DMC FZ-5
Focal Length: 14mm
Aperture Value: f/3.2
Shutter Speed: 1/25sec
ISO - 100

Well I'm taking a break from talking about photography to rant about American culture, I'll apologize in advance if I sound bitter or like a "scrouge". It is the 25th of November, and not even Thanksgiving yet, and appearently the Christmas season is fast upon us. As you can see by this wonderful Starbucks cup, they actually started with the holiday cups about 2 weeks ago. What really got me was yesterday while, on a very rain occasion, listening to the radio I flipped to the local Christian radio station. First I'll preface that I rarely listen to the Christian radio station and just happened to flip to it. But what do I hear on the Christian radio station? Christmas songs. Yes that's right even the Christian radio station has fallen into the trap of starting Christmas a month ahead of schedule.
Lets just be honest here the further forward we push the Christmas holiday the less meaning it has. It has already turned from a religious holiday to a consumer holiday; that sadly is all it is anymore. I'm sure the hardliners will disagree with me and say that no amount of consumerism can shroud its real meaning. I say to them, look around and find me a baby Jesus; as I certainly didn't see what on my Starbucks cup. Oh well, that's it for now. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Hope everyone has a great weekend, hopefully a long one.

Jason Posted by Picasa

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