Monday, November 28, 2005

Falling Water

Panasonic DMC FZ-5
Focal Length: 6mm
Aperture Value: f/5
Shutter Speed: 1/160 sec
ISO - 80

I've beginning to loath the days that I forget to bring my camera. Today for instance the Olympic Mountains, with lots of fresh snow, and Mt Ranier are dying to be photographed. Regretably however, I didn't bring my camera from my car this morning. My car is parked, on campus, down a very large hill that I don't car to travel up or down, nevermind up and down. So maybe if the cloud cover stays at the same level I'll get out and take some photos after class. In other photography related news - it is supposed to snow tonight. That's right it is November 28th and it may snow in Washington. How odd. If it does you can be sure that I will skip out on work and take photos instead, ok I'll probably go to work and still take photos. Well that's it for today, enjoy the waterfall.

Jason Posted by Picasa

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